It’s no ordinary school , but a secondary school for the poorest. An initiative of inspired educators who together with their more than 200 students give their own status to this particular school . Himalayan Care Hands Nepal supports this school in Alapot, 17 km from Kathmandu, in finding donors, but also volunteers who help them to modernize education , to train teachers and to renovate the school.
The project started in December 2015 whereby Himalayan Care Hands Nepal visited the school and made an inventory of the many needs, for instance the broken toilets that could not be used by the students, or the classrooms walls, the lack of a useful library and of course the lack of decent educational materials. One of the major problems was also the playing ground, the yard in front of the school, with many dangerous holes.
HCHN placed several volunteers and interns with the aim of sharing knowledge, strengthening the skills of teachers and with private funds raised by our volunteers we will try to built a new toilet block and increase the number of writing and learning materials. HCH Holland provided funding to construct a solid schoolyard and paint for the outside walls.
In 2015 Award International’s Nepal Team 2015 also visited the Bal Bikash school and helped enormously. By teaching, educating, painting, but also financially. The toilets were repaired, a watertank was supplied, the library renewed as well the building was painted inside.